P - p

pacify (a crying child) -bhembelésya
pacify (an angry person) -bhembelésya
pack a load -hambá
paddle lúkahí
· -soója
paddy íikanfí
pain bhulwǎsye
pain of injury bhúsungú
pain of internal wound mányíkónyíkó
paint -tyánká
palm of the hand lúkasá
palm oil mábhésé
palm sp ííhámá
· múhámá
palm-frond sp íikambálálá
palsy síghánsíghánsí
pangolin lînkakakúbhóná
· nkakakúbhóná
papaya iipapaáju
paper kalataási
parasitic plant ntóntámí
parcel bhahásya
Pardon me samahaáni
pare -bháásá
parent mufyeéji
parrot lifwěngi
parsley sp ííbhíngá
· ííbhíngábhíngá
part (with sb.) -li-tááhyá
partridge nkwálé
pass -hitá
pass away -sumalíka
past before the day before yesterday lulyǎ lúsikú
· lulyǎ lwǐsye
paste up (e.g. a postage stamp) -bhandíká
patch -bhiikíla siláka
· -lándá siláka
paternal aunt sêngé
paternal uncle taáta múkulú. bháátaátá bhákulú
· taáta mútoóli. bháátaáta bhátoóli
· taáta mútwǎna. bhaataáta bhátwǎna
path nsílá
path made by wild animals íipaghá
patiently nálúlú
pattern bhúnyeghé
pay -líhá
pay respect -heesímú
pay the tribute -sonsyǎ (kúbhwâmí)
· -tuúla kúbhwamí
pay wages -líhá
payment malípo
peanuts paste bhútendó
peanuts sp kábhambá
pearl millet bhubhéle
peck -nokólá
· -sompá
peel -kóngá
peep -súnúká
· -súnúkílá
peg lúbhámbó
pen íihangúlá
penis íibholó
· mboló
· múlúghá
penulty azaábhu
pepper mpilipíli
perform a dance (witchdoctor) -kíndá bhúfumó
perform witchdoctor's ritual -bhándá
perhaps hámwǐ
· hásimá
period múda
· nîngá
permit to eat taboo foods -sílúlá
perplexity kamukéényu
person múntú
person of hollowed eyes with protruding forehead máhokó
personal name kalûnde
perspire -fumá káfítá
pestle múnsí
phlegm iikolólo
pick one's nose -sókóná (nyiindó)
pick up -fighá
· -sólá
pick up food bit by bit -nokólá
picking a fight bhúkásóngányyá
picture pícha
piece sipǎnde
pierce -tubhúlá
pig ngúlúbhé
pig clay pot íifughwá
pigeon pea kábhalámá
· kámwitúmpé
pile up messy -pongolóla
pill nkambí
pillage -sampá
pillar íihandá
pillow múútó
pimple sítungú
pimple on one's back lúbhandú
pin sikwaása
pinch -níghá
· -síná
pine tree musonobháali
pineapple iinanaási
pipe mútémbá
pit of stomach kakô mbélě
pitchfork úma
pitfall bhúghámbá
pity sb. -bhwené síghóngó
place hántú
· sehému
place for laying one's head kúnságháá mútwě
place of under construction lúfúnó
plait one's own hair -li-súká
plait the hair, a mat -súká
plait (a mat) -bhohá (mukéka)
plan -li-pangílá (shúghúli ~ mílímo)
· -li-pangílíla
· mupǎngo
plant -fyǎla
plant resembling the pea kafuúto
plantation ííbhálá
plaster -sílíbhá
plate iisahaáni
play -saáha
play a game -saáha bhúsaáha
play a trick -kosóká
play ball -saáha mupíla
play gradually to get excited -seetá
play the drum for sb. -saahíla
play with -saahíla
play with dangerous animals -saahíla
pleades bhúlímílá
pleasantly míjeejé
please tafazaáli
please sb. -lyǒhya
pleasure laáha
pleen amaranth lúbhwighá
pluck out feathers -bhangúlá
plum sp lúfulú
plum tree sp múhõnó
plunder -sampá
plying of tabacco leaves lúbhangá
point -sóntá
poison nsúmu
poke in -sóméká
· -sómékélá
pole íísálá
police músilíkálé
polish rice -sóhólá
polygamy mpalí
pond iibhwǎwa
· íílíbhá
poor -pííná
poor person múpííná
porcupine nûngwǎ
porridge at the ritual lwángá
porridge of bean lúsyambá
porridge of fresh maize múkuukwǎ
porridge of maize mpáná
possess (by spirits or ancesteors) -hiíla
post -poosíti
potato ííláájé
pound again wet meize or sorghum after a few days -bhuulísyá
pound for the second time -híndúlá
pound (to take off husks or to make flour) -twǎ
pour -ghólélá
· -níná
pour in -fóómóká
pour out -ghoná
poverty bhúpííná
powder tabacco bhughólo
praise -siífu
praises siífa
pray -saáli
preceding born child múlóndwá
precipice of a mountain íijengé
pregnancy, fetus íisiimí
prepare for farming -kokoólela
prepare to marry -ghámbíká
present (to a honored person) -sónsyá
press down (sb.) -bhandíkísya
press sth. to fix it -bhandíkísya
press with one's finger -hóbhésyá
press (sth. to make it smaller) -sindaghíla
price bheéi
principal kasaaghula
principal wife mukasyaane waá kwǎnza. bhakasyaane bhaá kwǎnza
· mukeéma ghwǎ kwǎnza. bhakeéma bháá kwǎnza
probationer fuúndi mwîgha
problem kaási
prod (with a stick) -bhandá
prohibit to eat (a certain thing) -sísyá
promise aahádi
· -ahídi
prosper -endeléa físoghá
· -já físoghá
protect by charm -silíká
protect sb. by screening -kingá
protruding navel múnyonyó múkulú
proverb mughányi
provisions syakúlyǎ
psellism katetefúla
public hair íísó
puff-adder mpilí
pull -támbá
pull out -sómólá
pull up -nyányúlá
· -támbá
pulse still (in case od a dying person) -tinká
pumpkin lífunká
pumpkin pip ntete syǎ máfunká
punish -azíbhu
pupil mwanafuúnsi
· mwanafuúnzi
pupil of eye keené linsó
purify -labhyá
· -lafyá
pus bhúfíná
push -súntá
· -ténká
put -bhiíka
· -lalikílá
put a mark -bhiíka lúsánte
put a mark on a bark -bhiíka lúsánte
put a pot on the fire -téntéká
· -téntékésyá
put away -fumyǎ
put away what is in the way -singúlá
put down load -tuúla
put enema -pongá
put firewood in fire -syǎna
put in -bhiíka
· -ghólélá
put in disorder -chaafúa
· -mésélá (bhuchaáfu)
put in order -pangá (fíntú)
put in with force -sindaghíla
put into one's mouth -bhundá
put leaning -séndéká
· -séndékélá
put off -tungúlá
put sht. on sth. -tuntinkánya
put skin on the drum -bhámbá
put sth near sth -bhiíka neéhi ná síntú
put sth. in the way -jíghálá
put up (sth.) on sb.'s head -twǐka
put (colours) -siígha
put (sth.) into one's mouth -tamílá
puzzle -sanfyá
pygmy mbílíkímó
· mútónú
python nsabhwǎka
· nsató