T - t

tabacco nsuúnko
tabacco leaf lyanyi lyá nsǔnko. maanyi gháá nsǔnko
taboo músíló
taboo (a word) -sísyá
tabooed word músíló
Tabora ntobhólá
tail músilá
take áhíná
take away rubbish gathered up -ghóósá
take fruits -kǎ
· -keéla
take in (washings) -ghanúlá
take off -fuúla
take off a pot from the fire -ghokólá
take off corns from a cob -bhúngá
take off fiber from a plant -kubhá nkúsá
take off sth. -ghámbúlá
take off the lid -fundúkúla
take off (a stamp pasted up) -bhandúlá
take off (the bark) -ghúbhúlá (mápámba)
take one's place -níghá madaláka
take out -fumyǎ
· -sábhúlá
take out beans from the sheath -kóngá
take out firewood from fire -séésúlá nkwǐ
take out food from the pot -pakúlá
take out the stopper -síntúkúlá
take sb.'s place -bhadilísya
take (sb. somewhere) -twǎla
tale kamughényi
· lúghéló
· lútéébhékó
· mughányi
talisman agianst vermin íikanga mpǒngo
talk with a guest -sáhúsyá
tall house (tall ceiling) kandelémba
· kápúngú
tall tree sp múkomá
· mukuúbhwa
· músíndé
tallness bhútalí
talon lúsalá
tamarind tree músísí
tambuki grass kasáli
tan leather -nyúká