C - c

cackle -tetélá
calabash lúsíngí
· syúngú
calabash bottle ntendeéli
calabash bowl ntendé
calabash plate lúhindí
calf of the leg kásáfú
call -jitá
· lwitó
· ntangiílo
· -tangiíla
call for some reason -jitílá
call loundly -tangiíla
call on -tembeeléla
calm -tusyá
calm down -holá
calm village lúgho lúholé
can iibhaáti
· -kobhólá
can be seen -lúbhúká
canary sp kalwǐha
cane rat nsênsí
canoe bhwató
canon músíngá
cap nkofiíla
capable hunter kíbhíndá
cape clawless nkondá
car muutúka
caress -paapáasya
· -palapáasya
carry -twǎla
carry away -twǎla
carry sth./sb. on one's back -hééká
carry (sth.) on a pole -twǎla mudaála ~ mutaála
carry (sth.) on one's head -twǎla kúmútwé
carry (sth.) on one's (head) -li-twǐka (kúmútwé)
carrying pole múdáálá
cartload bhútúndá
carve -bháásá
carve very much -bháásísyá
cask iipípa
cassava muhṍgho
· mumbáti
cassava leaf kásimbó
cast one's skin -li-ghúbhúlá (nsabhá)
caster-oil bean lúbhonó
castor nut ntekéta
castor-oil máfuta ghaá mbonó
castor-oil plant lúbhonó
castrate -túúnyúlá
cat kanyaábhu
catapillar líífúnyú
cataracta kánaghá
catch and hold with a hook -tungúlá
catch cold -lwǎla másulaányi
· -lwǎle éfunsí
catch fire -gháká
catch (a ball) -bhaká (mupíla)
catch (an enemy) -sampá
caterpillar káásóósó
caterpillar sp ííghándó
catfish ííbhághá
· ng'ǒmba
· nsonfí
cattle ng'óómbé
cause ngúno
· -súlá
cause pain -ponkólá
cave ííkéló
cease (of the rain) -syǎ
ceiling iidaáli
ceiling collar muhĩmíli
center hákátí
centipede lílújó
Centropomidae Luciolates stappersii nfóóló
chaff íihahá
chair mupǎndo
challenger musangabhále
chameleon lífúlúmúlá
· liilǔnfu
change -híndúká
change money -funsá (mahéla)
character, letter heelúfi
charcoal mákalá ghaá mábhwé
charm for keeping off evil hĩliísi
chase away -bhíngá
· -ghamílá (mánywělé)
chase to catch -kílímísyá
· -talaghásyá
chatterbox mútensí
cheap naáfu
cheap (meat) lahísi
check a trap -ghúnsá
cheek íitamá
chest íitundú
chest hair íísó
chew -tafúnyá
chicken kákokó
chicrid sp múnsakálá
chief mwamí
chief's land hábwámí
· kúbhwámí
child kátwáná
· mwaná
child born feet first kásindyé
child of an uncle (of mother side), or an aunt (of father side) mufyǎlaane
child who was born before accomplishing bride-service nkulikoóbhwa
child who was born before changing bridewealth nkulikoóbhwa
childhood blister on legs lútángá
child's mouth kánywǎ
chilly period during dry season lúheehí
chin kaleefúla
chip in -sángíílá
chizel nsinsó
choke -ghóghá
· -kulíká
· -nyǒnga
chombo kikubwa kama 6db sífughwǎ
chop a fallen tree into pieces -highúlá (mátabhí)
chose -sáághúlá
· -sóóghólá
chrysantheum mújónsó
church kanísa
cicada lújénsé
cichlid lulwǎmbi
cichlid sp ngéghé
cigarrette múmáló
circled place for coronation of mutwale lúkangálá
circled place for coronation of sub-chief kálukángálá
circumcised foreskin of penis nkópá
circumsize -tahílí
civet líkíjángá
civet cat (pejorative) mungúsa
clan múláhíló
clan after marridge bhúkwǎ
clap iikoófi
clap hands -huúla makoófi
claw íisalá
clay íibhumbá
clay for pottery íibhumbá
clay pot nkonó
clay (a kind of) for dying mats nsombó
clean -hyahíla
· -labhyá
· -lafyá
clean rice -sóhólá
clear away many things (of the rain) -súngá
clear one's throat -li-kukumúla
clear up -sambaála
cleared ground lúfúúlá
click -syǒla
cliff nkómó
climb around mountains -pambátá
climb around sth -ghééghá
climb (a mountain) -tandá
clitoris kásómpó
close -jíghálá
· -kubhílá
close friend ghwamughána ghwane
close one's wings -heleésya mápápa
close the gate of the pen -jíghálílá ng'óombe
cloth sítámbálá
cloth made of bark íisaanyí
clothe (sb.) -fwǐka
clothes mwendá
clothes made from bark skin mpínda
cloud iikuúsi
cluster pine múnyákí
clutch at sb. -ghúújá
clutch one's head in pain, sadness etc. -súúnyíká
coagulate -ghándá
cobra naja hõbhókó
cobweb bhúlábhí
· nyááté
cock lííkájénjé
· muteéki
cock or hen nkokó
cockroach lúhésé
· síhésé
cockscomb lúhúngá
coconut názi
coconut palm munázi
coffee nut kaháwa
cohabit kimaáda
coil up -li-ghóndá
coil (round sth.) -li-nyongelésya (kusítí)
coin iikúta
· kakúta
cokés hartebeest kákísí
cold -fíílé
· masulaányi
coldness mpehó
collarbone íibhangá
collect -komenkánya
collect up -bhungá
color laángi
color maize grain múbhambangómá
comb kásáákú
· -sáákúlá
come -jísá
come back for the person who escaped -séésúká
come from (somewhere) -fumá
· -fumíílíla
come home from work -fumá mílímó
come out -fumá kûnsé
come out of the water -fumá múmaansí
· -sábhúká múmaansí
come out (for flowers) -fumághála
come out (for sprout) -fúlúmá
come out (of a plant) -mélá
come out (of sth. poked in) -sómóká
come out (of the sheath of beans) -tóóhá
come to a point -soná
come to an agreement -hulíkána
· -lágháná
come to an end -hwǎ
come to oneself -pémbéésúká
come up with (sb.) -lóndá
command -hamulísya
· -kubhísyá
common bulbul nsóle
common duiker kásyǎ
common waterbuck lííkíbhúswé
companion mwǐnaane
compassion síghóngó
compellation for elders jéétá
compensate -líhíísyá
complain -nung'uníka
conceal (a fact) -lembá
connect -júnjíkányá
connect (things) -lámátáná
connect (two strings) -hambíkánya
consider -lángáányá
console -bhembelésya
consult -jangúlá
container for flour nsyělo
container made from bark síhîndá
contents of stomach bhúsě
continue -endeléa
continuous rain múfúmbí
continuous sound múngúlúmó
contribute -sángáánílá
convulsions káhwéká
cook -teéka
cooked foods bhúteeká
cooking stove hámafíghá
cooking-stone íifighá
cool -holá
cool down -fíílá
coppermouth minnow líwánkámbá
copulate -li-tandá
· -tandá
coral tree múkǔ
corn kásosó
corncob íikontí
· íikungú
corner kápakó
coross the other side -ghámbúkílá
corpse múlámbó
correct an error -sahihísya
cotton língálá
cough kakosólo
· -kosólá
cough for sb -kosólélá
counsel -sáánísyá
· -sáányá
count -pándá
count for -pándílá
counterfort lúghámbá
country síhughó
courier mutwǎsi
courtyard lúhyǎ
cousin ghu-POS
cover -fundíká
· -fundíkíla
cover oneself (with sth.) -li-fimbíla
cover with the lid -fundíkíla
cow ng'óómbênkéémá
coward moobhá
cowry mpásí
crab lînkalá
crack in the foot ííghá
crack in the wall múlálé
crack (sth hard) -bhelághá
crawl -ghafúlá
create -bhumbá
crest lúhúngá
cricket sp. kátoolóóló
cripple person sisyeéta
crocodile ngwéná
cross -lungá
cross over -hisyúkána
cross the other side -ghámbúkísyá
cross (a river) -ghámbúká
crossed clothes lúbhéghá
crossed eyes íílyéngú
crossroads íígháná
crossways bhúhingá
crouch -sunsumála
crow -hilá
· límómbó
cruciam carp sp wankâmba
crust íikokótó
cry -lílá
· -lolómá
cudgel iilǔngu
cultivate -límá
cumulonimbus cloud lúkungúbhúghú
cup kásíkí
· síkombé
cupping-horn syûbhíkó
cure -kolélá
· -sisyǎ
curse kálóghé
curse about the husband hitting his head by her finger -konkomálíka
curse sb. -láhílá
curse with gestures -kóónyéká
curving bhúnyeghé
custard apple íífílá
· múfílá
· mútópétópé
cut -putá
cut a tree -néná
cut cassava during digging -sekélá
cut down trees to even out the field -semúlá
cut down (a tree) -putá sítí
cut from grasses íikalí
cut in pieces -temaghúla
cut into pieces -putá fipandefipánde
· -putághúla
cut off bird's meat from bones -pápághúlá
cut off (branches) -húngá (sítí ~ mátabhí)
cut on the head lúghúmá
cut open the belly -tumbúlá
cut sth. soft -jéghá
cut the hair -katá (nyêlé)
cut the throat -sinsá
cut the trunk of a tree a little -jílá lúsánte
cut with a saw -putá fipandefipánde
cut (paper) -tándúlá
cylinder-shaped basket ííkúbhúlú
cypress musaabhála